RECESS – Health Event

R.E.C.E.S.S. – also known as Reaching Each Child to Ensure Strategic Success educates the public about the impact of HIV/AIDS on youth. The Priority Health Care team will address disease prevention, health promotion, risk reduction, healthier lifestyle choices, use of health care services and barriers to health care for racial and ethnic minorities. The event will include activities for the entire family: games, music, health screenings, health information, food, and raffles.

National Minority Health Month is celebrated every April in order to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic minority groups. These events encourage action through health education, early detection, and control of disease complications. Patients are empowered to make healthier choices for themselves and their loved ones when the health care and information they receive is culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate. This month’s events are a celebration of the work we do every day to reach even more people in our communities to provide whole-person care!

Tell us you’ll be there!

Learn more about Priority Health Care.
Learn more about LPCA.


Apr 12 2023


3:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Mary Poppins Subdivision
1031 Blossom Ln. Harvey, LA 70058